Financial Services

Design Tokens & Theming

How might we ensure consistency across different platforms and devices?

Timeline 6-months
My role Principal UX Designer
Deliverables Color system, visual style language, design tokens, design themes

Apologies for the incomplete picture.

Due to the secure nature of financial services and security to protect our clients, I am undergoing internal reviews to be able to share a bit more details publicly. Company branding has been omited per compliant requirements. More to come! โ€“Edward


Our organization faces significant challenges in maintaining consistency and efficiency across multiple systems, platforms, and products due to disparate design assets and custom theming.

Design tokens provide a single source of truth, ensuring that both design and engineering teams share a common specification language. This unified approach streamlines the handoff process, making collaboration more efficient and reducing misunderstandings.



Visual inconsistencies in design and code Various token pipelines make it difficult to maintain consistency across products.
Single source of truth Merged repositories, pipelines, and artifacts into one package, while also retiring redundant assets and infrastructure.
Manual token mapping The lack of integration across applications creates confusion, inefficiency, and manual errors.
Token Architecture We refined our token tiers by intent to establish a foundation for theme support like color and density modes.


A shared language is a critical factor when it comes to navigating conversation surround properties that translate to components and ultimately user experiences.

While design tokens can be an underlying piece of design systems that live behind the scenes, they are a critical player in building a framework to scale as new product offerings require new sub brands or user preferences like color modes and density.


I primarily worked with two front-end engineers and an enterprise architect to audit and consolidate existing token repositories, synthesize recommendations with usage guidance, and determine the recommended practices for the enterprise.

Key findings
  • Inconsistent and generic naming conventions are used to describe tokens across systems.
  • The absence of a documented programmatic approach to scale color across systems is a critical issue that needs to be addressed.
  • It is imperative to ensure that all color combinations in coded components meet the AA-compliance standards for accessibility.
  • Tokens are maintained manually across design software and coded repositories.
  • Gaps in design software and front-end development created workaround paths, further confusing the source of truth in design decisions.
  • Define token naming convention to scale and support business units and their use cases outside core and system design tokens.
  • Leverage Style Dictionary to transform defined brand visual styles across Android, iOS, Web, and Figma.
  • Educate enterprise on token tiers, their intent, benefits and value to the broader organization.
  • Define pilot platforms to collaborate and develop examples to demonstrate their value and flexibility.
  • Show and don't just tell, instill confidence in community be walking through implementation paths for design and code.

User Flow


Description FPO


Dependent on third-party integrations

Tools like Token Studio and Style Dictionary are critical tools for syncing our token pipeline. Without them, we're at risk of not having an internal solution to scale in the short timeline we have to deliver.

Responsive design queries

Current design globally adopted by designers does not support media queries to determine responsive sizing for tokens. A workaround involves manually converting unit sizes and toggling a new theme mode.


Distinction of system from user preference is a critical path to define when it comes to mapping tokens to themes.


The biggest opportunity for revisiting our token architecture is to lay a strong foundation to scale across business domains, platforms and products.

Token naming standard

By classifying parts of token names we are able to scale our namespaces, properties, variants, attributes and modifiers as considerations for token creation and maintenance.

Color modes

Support for color changes such as light mode (well lit environment experience), dark mode (low-light conditions), or high contrast (enhanced readability).

Density modes

The size and space between UI elements, allowing enabling more content to fit on the screen in a compact mode, or to allow more content to be spacious in a comfortable mode.

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Impact 1 FPO

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Background FPO
Lessons learned
  • Lesson 1 FPO
  • Lesson 2 FPO
  • Lesson 3 FPO
Some potential next steps
  • Next 1 FPO
  • Next 2 FPO
  • Next 3 FPO

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Financial Services

Managed Solutions

How might we simplify complex capabilities across multiple experiences to create a more efficient workflow for associates to deepen and broaden client relationships?

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